Final year pupils are back!

Primary 7 back in class

Saturday, 7st November 2020

Final Year Pupils are Back!

Two weeks ago the school finally started again to do what it was built for nearly 15 years ago: teaching!

On 15th of October 50 pupils from the final year class came back. It is now also possible to stay in the boarding school. The requirements were very strict and carefully controlled. Numerous disinfection sites and additional washing facilities had to be installed. As well as clinical thermometers, masks, protective shields and glasses needed to be purchased.  Also a very detailed hygiene concept had to be developed and submitted for review.

It is not up to us to judge whether the measures are exaggerated or understated. They were simply necessary to be able to start again.

We are very happy that the beginning has been made and hope to see all the younger pupils back at school soon. At the moment only our scholarship holders who are in the final year class can be taught. Everyone else still has to wait patiently.

School Start Delayed Again

Additional washing and disinfection measures have been taken

Monday, 21st September 2020

School Start Delayed Again

Just a few days ago the re-opening of the schools was planned for this Monday.  Now it has been delayed to 15th of October. At least the final year pupils have got a concrete starting date now. When the teaching can commence for all the other pupils is still uncertain. Due to the fact that there is a strict curfew order out, the situation for people in Adjumani is getting more and more difficult. Ugandakids is continuously paying the wages of the employees. There are many family members who rely on the support of their income. Besides we are showing our solidarity towards our long-term employees and are grateful to count on them once the school can be re-opened. Ugandakids is supporting pupils and their families in need with food and other necessities. Even though the teaching cannot take place at the moment, the running costs are higher than usual. This is mainly due to rising food prices. Once the school is up and running again we want to welcome all our pupils back in healthy conditions.

Because of “Corona”. All Schools have been Shut Down

The school grounds are deserted. Only the security guards are left

Sunday, 22nd March 2020

Because of “Corona”: All Schools have been Shut Down

Since Friday the Ugandan government has shut down the schools in the whole country in order to avoid the spread of the new Corona virus.

Unfortunately this infectious disease is also effecting parts of the world with the least possibilities to fight against it. The pupils received homework quickly prepared by the teachers. Also the locust plague is only 5 kilometres away from Adjumani now, and will cause aditional harm. Food prices have multiplied over the last few days. Ugandakids therefore passes on food rations to families in need. The school now needs more security guards. The urgency of social distancing has been explained to everyone at the school. People in Uganda are aware of the fact that this crisis effects everyone in the world, but they are additionally concerned that they will be forgotten. We in Europe are equally concerned about the kids, youth, former pupils and employees in Uganda. We will keep in touch!

Reconstruction of the Outdoor Facilities

Workers preparing the terracing of the compound

Sunday, 13th October 2019

Reconstruction of the Outdoor Facilities

In the last thirteen years the number of pupils has risen from 35 to over 650. All of them play outside in their breaks. The once green areas are now bare grounds. As the plot is partly sloping, strong rainfalls have caused erosion of the grounds. Not only are the roots of the trees affected, but also the foundations of the buildings are completely exposed.

UgandaKids has therefore decided to solve this problem by terracing the grounds. Work has begun a few weeks ago and will last until the end of this year. During the big holiday season grass seeds will be sown on the newly built terraces therefore the soil cannot be washed away any longer


The Scholarship Programm will be Extended

Left: Cathrine, nursing student in Gulu. Right: Kevin, nursery teacher student in Kampala

Sunday, 19th May 2019

The Scholarship Program will be Extended

Since 2014 Ugandakids has been giving scholarships to those pupils who want to continue their education but cannot receive financial support from other sources. So far the scholarship program was designated for secondary school education. At the end of this year the first pupils will complete their A-Levels.

Two young ladies now have different plans. They want to train in nursing and as a nursery teacher. Both are orphans, show an excellent performance at school and cannot receive any other funding. Therefore UgandaKids has decided to support them for their professional training. Besides qualified nurses and nursery teachers are strongly needed in Uganda.

All the best of success to you both!