Final year pupils are back!

Primary 7 back in class
Saturday, 7st November 2020
Final Year Pupils are Back!
Two weeks ago the school finally started again to do what it was built for nearly 15 years ago: teaching!
On 15th of October 50 pupils from the final year class came back. It is now also possible to stay in the boarding school. The requirements were very strict and carefully controlled. Numerous disinfection sites and additional washing facilities had to be installed. As well as clinical thermometers, masks, protective shields and glasses needed to be purchased. Also a very detailed hygiene concept had to be developed and submitted for review.
It is not up to us to judge whether the measures are exaggerated or understated. They were simply necessary to be able to start again.
We are very happy that the beginning has been made and hope to see all the younger pupils back at school soon. At the moment only our scholarship holders who are in the final year class can be taught. Everyone else still has to wait patiently.