UgandaKids e.V. is a non profit organisation – confessionally and politically independent.
We have made it our challenge to support vulnerable children in Uganda to open up opportunities for their own future with their own aims.


Can I become a sponsor/godfather for one child?
UgandaKids does not do sponsorships for a single child. This system requires high administration costs. Until the end of 2010 our administration costs were below 0.5% of the incoming donations. Since early 2011 the administrative and marketing costs have been covered by the members of the board of UgandaKids Europe. We would like to keep it this way in order for all donations to go directly to the school and will therefore benefit the children.

A form of godfather donations to a single child can also have other aspects: it can cause competition between the children if one child has more concerned and giving godparents than the other. It can be a huge gain for one child but not for another, therefore we see this as a problem within an otherwise equal structure. Also the expectations and hopes may be contrary on both sides.    

I would like to help UgandaKids in Adjumani on a voluntary basis, is that possible?
The appreciate the offer to work on a voluntary basis in Adjumani, but we do not see it as helpful. Employment is very difficult in Northern Uganda, everyone who would work there would prevent a local family from employment. There are brilliant teachers in Uganda. Even though the official language is English many children only speak the local language Ma-di when they first start at UgandaKids. Just basic communication and daily life and traditions would be a problem for an European. But mainly we have experienced following: taking responsibility and independence are high goals, which we always need to reflect on. The presence of “Whites” influences the current running of the school and changes the overall attitude. This is mainly due to the difference in life situations and our financial possibilities. Therefore we agreed within the UgandaKids team that there will only be Ugandans working there who share the language, culture and traditions of their people.  

I have got second hand clothing (computers, toys, etc.) Can I donate this to UgandaKids?

Here we believe: everything that can be produced and purchased in Uganda enables an Ugandan to secure an income and may even lead to an improved economic situation in Northern Uganda. Transport costs of material donations are also usually higher than buying it there. UgandaKids therefore does not take on donations on a material basis.

Why does UgandaKids not have a donation seal?
In Germany the well-known “donation seal” is from of the DZI (German Central Institute for social issues). Many people don’t know that the first application costs €1,500 and 0.035% of the income from donation. Future annual fees are €500. Therefore this donation seal is not given for quality standards, but it has to be purchased. The DZI advises smaller NGOs not to apply for one as they are usually regionally known and will encounter more tax controls. We prefer to give the money to the children in Adjumani.

How high are your marketing and administraion costs?
All administrativ and marketing costs are carried by the members of the board of UgandaKids. UgandaKids does not pay expense allowances. Therefore 100% of donations go directly to the children in Adjumani without deductions.

How has the civil war developed, is Adjumani save?

In Northern Uganda there have not been any attacks or kidnappings by the LRA since the end of 2006. The rebels have moved more towards the North-East Kongo, South Sudan and the Republic of Central Africa. Adjumani is currently save.

What do the children do after primary school?

In December 2011 the first pupils left primary school level. All of them are going to secondary school. Many of them are receiving scholarships due to their good performance. In February 2017 there are 23 former UgandaKids pupils who receive a scholarship from us. We are hoping to be financially able to support all children of UgandaKids to continue their secondary education. We are more than aware that their education does not stop at primary level.

Are there other projects going on besides the school? How about agriculture?

The work is progressing very well, pupils as well as teacher are taking on responsibilities! Hilda has got plenty of work at the moment with the running of the school and the following up of the scholarship holders. Apart from the financial possibilities for new projects we would need to find reliable and qualified staff. But we are definitely looking into it! The establishing of the training workshops has begun in October 2024 with the agricultural department.

Why are there so many boys at the school?

That’s deluding! We think that people believe that there are so many boys as most girls also have very short hair cuts. Apparently this is done due to hygienic reasons. It is actually more or less equal! Many African success stories (yes they do exist, even though the media often projects this differently) are initiated and carried out by women.