UgandaKids e.V. is a non profit organisation – confessionally and politically independent.
We have made it our challenge to support vulnerable children in Uganda to open up opportunities for their own future with their own aims.
The Bottom Line
UgandaKids e. V. has the aim to provide a start into a life with perspectives for children in Adjumani in Northern Uganda. The civil and social structures have been damaged or even shattered by 20 years of civil war. The people of Adjumani have asked us to help and to support them. We asked them “What do you need most urgently?” And the answer from Hilda Ibba and the representatives of the town were “We want to start with our children to rebuild civil structures. They should learn as early as possible to be independent and responsible, they should be allowed to learn a lot.” It is more than helping them to help themselves what we want to achieve, we want to meet them on eye level, we do not determine what is needed where and how the project should be implemented.

We trust the people of Adjumani to fulfil their own plans and perceptions. We believe that sustainable development starts exactly at the point where the people of Adjumani can realise their own aims. We are following the principle of mutual respect and acknowledgement of a supposedly divided world.
The people who are supported by UgandaKids in Adjumani are working on a project that is self determined. The charity UgandaKids passes the money of the donations on without any deductions. This happens only when plans and costings are provided for the next stages of the project. The money is transferred in single payments. Hilda Ibba and Heinz Reichl provide the prove for UgandaKids, that the funds have been used for the planned proceedings in the form of accountancy and book-keeping and through up to date fotos which are emailed to us on a regular basis. Only at this point do we approve further funds to be sent out. Hilda is responsible for the administration and book-keeping.
There is great joy about this support and everyone has been working very hard on the implementation of this project. We will continuously report on further developments as well as on financial details.