Registration For 2023 completed

Feni is already in P2 this year

Sunday, 19th February 2023

Registration For 2023 Completed

Before the start of the new school year there is always a lot to organize. Enrolling the new students is an important part of this. At the turn of the year, Hilda always has a lot of inquiries. Not every request can be granted. Before the enrollment can be completed Hilda often visits the foster families of the children. These visits are extremely important. Not only that the expectations of the foster parents’ can be discussed, but also those of the school towards the foster parents. In particular, she points out that the future UgandaKids must be given enough time to study after school and during the holidays.
These tasks were completed just before the new school year has started a few days ago. New UgandaKids have joined. The vacancies of last year’s candidates, who were so successful, are filled from below.

A Full Dozen Complete

With the friends from the Kejo Primary School, there were over 100 candidates this year


Thursday November 24th, 2022

A full dozen complete

Since 2011 UgandaKids pupils have been taking part in the nationwide final exams. This year the twelfth-year finalists are saying goodbye with this very important national exam.

UgandaKids has hosted another school for these two-day exams for 10 years now. This year it was the Kejo Primary School from Adjumani.

The exams follow strict rules and are always supervised by teachers from outside the district. Mathematics and social studies/religion are tested on the first day. The second day begins with questions about science, history and geography. As always, the last exam is English, taking place in the afternoon of the second day.

The exam papers are then sent to Kampala and are corrected anonymously. The final results will be announced in February.

With the friends from the Kejo Primary School, there were over 100 candidates this year

Thursday November 24th, 2022

A full dozen complete

Since 2011 UgandaKids pupils have been taking part in the nationwide final exams. This year the twelfth-year finalists are saying goodbye with this very important national exam.

UgandaKids has hosted another school for these two-day exams for 10 years now. This year it was the Kejo Primary School from Adjumani.

The exams follow strict rules and are always supervised by teachers from outside the district. Mathematics and social studies/religion are tested on the first day. The second day begins with questions about science, history and geography. As always, the last exam is English, taking place in the afternoon of the second day.

The exam papers are then sent to Kampala and are corrected anonymously. The final results will be announced in February.

Scholarship Programm Expanded

Scholar Liberty Lindrio in the field

Sunday 4th September 2022

Scholarship Program Expanded to 38 Scholarship Holders in just 8 Years

In 2014 four young women and one young man were the pioneers to receive scholarships from UgandaKids to continue their education. Eight years later, there are 38 “former students” who receive this support.
Therefore: 5 + 8 = 38!
Wrong math’s aside, the scholarship program is a success story that UgandaKids will continue to write. This special incentive is initially given up to intermediate educational qualification.

It takes four years to complete secondary school in Uganda, the so-called O-Level (Ordinary Level). Some leave school with this qualification and start vocational training. Others continue with graduate school to finish with A-Levels (Advanced Level) after additional two years in secondary school. The exams at the end can be compared to our Abitur and are really tough.
There are currently 32 “former students” at three different secondary schools in the district who receive this financial support. Many more have been able to continue their education through other external support systems.
These four mentioned pioneer ladies have all graduated from high school and are now on university courses to become administrators and secondary school teachers. Two pupils have decided to study agriculture in different fields of study. One young man studies information technology. Two have gone to become nurses and nanny after completing their O-levels.

The vast majority of those receiving funding are young women. So far there have only been eight men in the scholarship program. It seems that the girls are more goal-oriented, even already at elementary school level. In addition, boys with very good primary school qualifications are more likely to receive support from outside more easily.

In 2011 the first pupils left UgandaKids many of whom are already working in various professions. We are keeping in touch with many of them. When the opportunity arises, they often come to visit their old school. They talk to their followers about their own success stories and never miss the opportunity to bring some small gifts with them.

First Third of the School Year Has Finished

Tuesday, 3rd May 2022

First Third of the School Year Has Finished

On 10th of January regular classes started again in Adjumani and the first term is already over. The government has now concluded that all schools can return to their regular teaching plans that have been practiced for years. The plan to carry out a special test in May has been cancelled after all. Everyone agrees with these decisions, and everyone is happy to be continue as usual.

Fortunately, there were no corona cases in the first third of the school year, neither among the students nor among the staff.

Everyday life is back and we are all more than happy about this!

Everyday life is great!

They are Back!

Even after a two-year break, the day begins with the usual morning assembly

Monday, 10th January 2022

They Are Back!

As of today, all schools in Uganda have resumed operations. Almost half of the Ugandan population goes to school, so the challenges are enormous. The closure lasted almost two years, making it one of the longest in the world. UgandaKids has been preparing for the opening for a long time. Not only the procedures prescribed by the government had to be implemented. Mask on, keep your distance, disinfect hands applies to all schools. Likewise, the use of rapid tests was banned. These are not available in sufficient quantities and therefore many families cannot afford them.

To ensure that the children are not prevented from attending school, their use was immediately prohibited.

There is now a four-week test phase for all the students. Everyone is starting in the grade they were in when teaching stopped in March 2020. After that the children will be newly assessed. This procedure has been agreed with the parents’ representatives and appears necessary because the children didn’t have the same opportunities to learn. Their way of being able to learn and repeat their studies varied greatly during the lockdown period.

Hilda and the teachers are currently particularly challenged. But everyone is happy that it has finally starting again.