Entrance to the libary
Saturday, 9th January 2021
The Building Shell for the Library and the Infirmary Has Been Completed
Finally, a project we had planned for the previous year is now in progress. In the southeastern and most quiet corner of the school grounds a new building is being built, which will be used as a library and an infirmary.
The old library has been housed in one of the oldest buildings. It is very small, and the kids sometimes had to sit on the floor when they wanted to study there. In the new building there is enough space for tables and chairs to study in quietly.
The infirmary is also best placed at a quiet space, it will save costs and will be in the same building. It can be reached through an entrance in the back and will contain two rooms with two beds each and washing facilities. Our nurse for many years, John Tako will finally have his own office to keep the medication and possibly stay overnight.